Privacy Policy

Central Restaurant Astoria, located within the Danubius Hotel Astoria City Center in Budapest, has a comprehensive privacy policy that ensures the protection and proper handling of personal data. This policy is designed to align with relevant data protection laws and regulations.

Key aspects of the privacy policy include:

  • Data Collection and Usage:

The restaurant collects personal data for various purposes, such as reservations, customer service, marketing, and operational needs. This data includes contact information, booking details, and preferences.

  • Data Security:

Robust security measures are in place to protect personal data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. This includes both technical and organizational safeguards.

  • Customer Rights:

Customers have the right to access, correct, delete, or restrict the processing of their personal data. They can also object to data processing or request data portability.

  • Data Sharing:

Personal data may be shared with third parties only for legitimate business purposes, such as service providers assisting in hotel operations or marketing. These third parties are required to adhere to strict data protection standards.

  • Cookies and Tracking:

The use of cookies and similar tracking technologies is disclosed, with options for customers to manage their preferences regarding these tools.

  • Policy Updates:

The privacy policy is periodically reviewed and updated to ensure compliance with evolving legal standards and practices. Customers are informed of significant changes to the policy.